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Книги Похмельных Лев А.
Фундаментальные ошибки в физике и реальная электродинамика
Автор: Похмельных Лев А.
Издательство: Маска (Литкон), 2014
Жанр: Научная, учебная литература для специалистов
Страниц: 354 страницы
Загрузил: optovik, 28 июля 2016
   It is shown in the book that the main laws of nature in the records by Coulomb, Newton. Maxwell, quantum mechanics and theory of relativity contain graves defects unnoticed by physicists for centuries. After their removal the mathematical apparatus of physics changes and the new amazing, united, electric macro and micro world arises. Mathematical logic aod facts lead to the conclusions of external solar power source, non-greenhouse mechanism of global climate variations and on possibility of atmospheric thermal state control with minor expediture of energy. The book is written by graduated from Lonionosov Moscow State University, author of the weather correction technology by atmospheric ionization used in Mexico, Israel and Cuba for stimulation of precipitation. The forgoing is designed for engineers, investigators and students familiar with general physics in extent of a technical university.
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