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Книги Леон Донна
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Автор: Леон Донна
Издательство: Иностранка / КоЛибри, 2012
Жанр: Современный криминальный детектив
Страниц: 384 страницы
Загрузил: yury-m, 15 сентября 2018
   К комиссару Гвидо Брунетти обращаются за помощью коллеги из карабинерии, расследующие убийство владельца небольшой транспортной компании. Но они явно темнят и чего-то не договаривают, вынуждая Брунетти в очередной раз прибегать к услугам очаровательной Элеттры — секретарши его непосредственного начальника, владеющей хакерскими приемами. Искать разгадку преступления особенно нелегко, потому что внимание комиссара без конца отвлекает таинственная Франка Маринелло — молодая жена крупного бизнесмена, чье когда-то прекрасное лицо изуродовали пластические хирурги, превратив его в неподвижную маску. Какие секреты таит это лицо? Брунетти не найдет ответа на этот вопрос, пока не произойдет еще два кровавых убийства.
Drawing Conclusions
Автор: Leon Donna
Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2012
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Страниц: 320 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 20 декабря 2015
   When a young woman returns from holiday to find her elderly neighbour dead, she immediately alerts the police. Commissario Brunetti is called to the scene but, though there are signs of a struggle, it seems the woman has simply suffered a fatal heart attack. Vice-Questore Patta is eager to dismiss the case as a death from natural causes, but Brunetti believes there is more to it than that. His suspicions are further aroused when the medical examiner finds faint bruising around the victim's neck and shoulders, indicating that someone might have grabbed and shaken her. Could this have caused her heart attack? Was someone threatening her? Conversations with the woman's son, her upstairs neighbour, and the nun in charge of the old-age home where she volunteered, do little to satisfy Brunetti's nagging curiosity. With the help of Inspector Vianello and the ever-resourceful Signorina Elettra, Brunetti is determined to get to the truth and find some measure of justice. Insightful and emotionally powerful, Drawing Conclusions reaffirms Donna Leon's status as one of the masters of literary crime fiction.
Высокая вода
Автор: Леон Донна
Издательство: Иностранка / КоЛибри, 2013
Жанр: Современный криминальный детектив
Страниц: 368 страниц
Загрузил: lubacha, 11 июля 2015
   В богатую венецианскую квартиру Бретт Линч, американской специалистки по китайским древностям, проникают два головореза и зверски ее избивают. При этом они требуют, чтобы Бретт отменила свою назначенную на ближайшие дни встречу с директором музея Дворца Дожей, Dottore Семенцато. Если бы не вмешательство неожиданно приехавшей к ней в гости подруги, последствия могли бы быть непредсказуемыми. Комиссар Брунетти сразу же отвергает версию неудавшегося ограбления, к которой склоняется его начальство. И он, как всегда, оказывается прав — происходит убийство. Перевод с английского.
Beastly Things
Автор: Leon Donna
Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2013
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Страниц: 368 страниц
Загрузил: lubacha, 11 июля 2015
   When a body is found floating in a canal, strangely disfigured and with multiple stab wounds, Commissario Brunetti is called to investigate and is convinced he recognises the man from somewhere. However, with no identification except for the distinctive shoes the man was wearing, and no reports of people missing from the Venice area, the case cannot progress. Brunetti soon realises why he remembers the dead man, and asks Signorina Elettra if she can help him find footage of a farmers' protest the previous autumn. But what was his involvement with the protest, and what does it have to do with his murder? Acting on the fragile lead, Brunetti and Inspector Vianello set out to uncover the man's identity. Their investigation eventually takes them to a slaughterhouse on the mainland, where they discover the origin of the crime, and the world of blackmail and corruption that surrounds it. Both a gripping case and a harrowing exploration of the dark side of Italy's meat industry, Donna Leon's latest novel is a compelling addition to the Brunetti series.
Смерть в чужой стране: Роман
Автор: Леон Донна
Издательство: Иностранка / КоЛибри, 2005
Жанр: Современный криминальный детектив
Страниц: 396 страниц
Загрузил: dmitry020677, 10 декабря 2008
   Ранним утром в грязном венецианском канале обнаруживают труп молодого человека. На место происшествия тут же прибывает комиссар Брунетти. Все вроде бы указывает на убийство с целью ограбления, но комиссар не очень склонен верить очевидному. И действительно, вскоре в квартире молодого человека находится свидетельство того, что кому-то очень нужно сбить полицию со следа.
Beastly Things
Автор: Leon Donna
Издательство: Daedalus Books, 2012
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Страниц: 304 страницы
Загрузил: stalker1965, 02 сентября 2018
   When a body is found floating in a canal, strangely disfigured and with multiple stab wounds, Commissario Brunetti is called to investigate and is convinced he recognises the man from somewhere. However, with no identification except for the distinctive shoes the man was wearing, and no reports of people missing from the Venice area, the case cannot progress. Brunetti soon realises why he remembers the dead man, and asks Signorina Elettra if she can help him find footage of a farmers' protest the previous autumn. But what was his involvement with the protest, and what does it have to do with his murder? Acting on the fragile lead, Brunetti and Inspector Vianello set out to uncover the man's identity. Their investigation eventually takes them to a slaughterhouse on the mainland, where they discover the origin of the crime, and the world of blackmail and corruption that surrounds it. Both a gripping case and a harrowing exploration of the dark side of Italy's meat industry, Donna Leon's latest novel is a compelling addition to the Brunetti series.
Suffer the Little Children
Автор: Leon Donna
Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2010
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Страниц: 352 страницы
Загрузил: anarho, 24 июля 2012
   The quiet of the Venetian night is shattered as a band of armed men smash their way into Dr Gustavo Pedrolli's apartment, fracture his skull and grab his eighteen-month-old baby. And when Commissario Guido Brunetti, pulled from his bed by the news, arrives at the hospital to investigate, no one knows why the eminent paediatrician has suffered such a violent assault. But soon Brunetti begins to uncover a story of infertility, desperation, and an underworld where babies can be bought for cash — linked with a money-making scam between pharmacists and doctors in the city. And knowledge can be as destructive as greed — certain information about one's neighbours can lead to all kinds of corruption and all sorts of pain.
The Golden Egg
Автор: Leon Donna
Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2014
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Страниц: 352 страницы
Загрузил: anarho, 25 апреля 2019
   When making routine enquiries into a possible bribery case that could embarrass the mayor — a humiliation Vice-Questore Patta is very keen to avoid — Commissario Brunetti receives a call from his wife, Paola, who is evidently very upset. To the neighbourhood he was just the 'boy' who helped out, but nobody knew much about him — not even his name.
A Question of Belief
Автор: Leon Donna
Издательство: Daedalus Books, 2010
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Страниц: 262 страницы
Загрузил: vasilii, 16 марта 2014
   - Donna Leon was named one of Time magazine's 50 Greatest Crime Writers; — About Face was a New York Times (extended), San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe, Washington Post Book World, National Indie, New England Independent Booksellers Association, Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association, and Independent Mystery Booksellers Association best seller;
Drawing Conclusions
Автор: Leon Donna
Издательство: Daedalus Books, 2011
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Страниц: 260 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 сентября 2017
   Nearly twenty years ago, when a conductor was poisoned and the Questura sent a man to investigate, readers first met Commissario Guido Brunetti. Since 1992's Death at La Fenice, Donna Leon and her shrewd, sophisticated, and compassionate investigator have been delighting readers around the world. For her millions of fans, Leon's novels have opened a window into the private Venice of her citizens, a world of incomparable beauty, family intimacy, shocking crime, and insidious corruption. This internationally acclaimed, bestselling series is widely considered one of the best ever written, and Atlantic Monthly Press is thrilled to be publishing the twentieth installment, Drawing Conclusions, this spring. Late one night, Brunetti is called away from dinner to investigate the death of a widow in her modest apartment. Though there are some signs of a struggle, the medical examiner rules that she died of a heart attack. It seems there is nothing for Brunetti to investigate. But he can't shake the feeling that something or someone may have triggered her heart attack, that perhaps the woman was threatened. Conversations with the woman's son, her upstairs neighbor, and the nun in charge of the old-age home where she volunteered, do little to satisfy Brunetti's nagging curiosity. With the help of Inspector Vianello and the ever-resourceful Signorina Elettra, perhaps Brunetti can get to the truth and find some measure of justice. Insightful and emotionally powerful, Drawing Conclusions reaffirms Donna Leon's status as one of the masters of literary crime fiction.
Death at La Fenice
Автор: Leon Donna
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 288 страниц
Загрузил: vitalysev, 11 июля 2009
   Beautiful and serene Venice is a city almost devoid of crime. But that is little comfort to Maestro Helmut Wellauer, a world-renowned conductor whose intermission refreshment comes one night with a little something extra in it-cyanide. For Guido Brunetti, vice-commissario of police and detective genius, finding a suspect isn't a problem; narrowing the large and unconventional group of enemies down to one is. As the suave and pithy Brunetti pieces together clues, a shocking picture of depravity and revenge emerges, leaving him torn between what is and what should be right — and questioning what the law can do, and what needs to be done.
«Смерть в «Ла Фениче»
Автор: Леон Донна
Издательство: Иностранка / КоЛибри, 2005
Жанр: Современный криминальный детектив
Страниц: 367 страниц
Загрузил: anatolii_78, 25 июня 2008
   Знаменитый немецкий оперный дирижер выпивает в антракте спектакля напиток с подмешанным туда ядом. Расследовать преступление поручают комиссару Гвидо Брунетти. Пока Брунетти подбирает ключи к разгадке тайны, перед читателей разворачивается картина порока и возмездия, заставляющая его выбирать между тем, что принято считать справедливым, и тем, что действительно справедливо, и задаваться вопросом — что может предпринять закон и что он должен предпринять? Перевод с английского Е. Чевкиной.
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