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Книги Dick Philip K.
We Can Build You
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 1997
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
Blade Runner (A)
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Orion Books, 1999
Жанр: Orion Books
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
Minority Report (Film Tie-In)
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Orion Books, 2002
Жанр: Orion Books
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
Scanner Darkly (film tie-in)
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Orion Books, 2006
Жанр: Orion Books
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
Lies, Inc
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011
Жанр: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Страниц: 240 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 23 февраля 2014
   Shortly before his death, Philip K. Dick expanded his novella The Unteleported Man into Lies, Inc., a hallucinatory novel that explores Dicks hallmark themes of conspiracy, totalitarianism, and the thin line between illusion and reality. When catastrophic overpopulation threatens Earth, a company begins offering teleportation to Whales Mouth, an allegedly pristine new home for migrs. The only catch is that the trip is one way. But when one man discovers that the images of happy settlers have been faked, he sets out on an eighteen-year trip to see if anyone wants to come back.
Total Recall
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Orion Books, 2012
Жанр: Orion Books
Страниц: 416 страниц
Загрузил: delovar, 08 марта 2016
   «This volume contains 25 classic short stories, including «We Can Remember It For You Wholesale», which inspired the film «Total Recall».»
Flow My Tears the Policeman Said
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Orion Books, 2012
Жанр: Orion Books
Страниц: 204 страницы
Загрузил: ernst, 13 февраля 2015
   Jason Taverner is a Six, the result of top secret government experiments forty years before which produced a handful of unnaturally bright and beautiful people — and he's the prime-time idol of millions until, inexplicably, all record of him is wiped from the data banks of Earth. Suddenly he's a nobody in a police state where nobody is allowed to be a nobody. Will he ever be rich and famous again? Was he, in fact, ever rich and famous?
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Daedalus Books, 2000
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Страниц: 240 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 21 июля 2009
   Glen Runciter is dead. Or is he? Someone died in the explosion orchestrated by his business rivals, but even as his funeral is scheduled, his mourning employees are receiving bewildering messages from their boss. And the world around them is warping and regressing in ways which suggest that their own time is running out. If it hasn't already.
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Daedalus Books, 2001
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Страниц: 262 страницы
Загрузил: vasilii, 14 июля 2009
   The mind-bending novels of Philip K. Dick transcend genre to explore the nature of consciousness and reality, placing ordinary men and women in congress with the unknowable and the awe-full. Valis, the first in Dick's final trio of novels, is a theological detective story in which God is both a missing person and the perpetrator of the ultimate crime. The schizophrenic hero, a Dick alter-ego named Horselover Fat, begins receiving revelatory visions through a burst of pink laser light. As a coterie of religious seekers forms to explore these messages, they are led to a rock musician's estate, where a two-year old Messianic figure named Sophia confirms that an ancient, mechanical intelligence orbiting the earth has been guiding their discoveries. Mixing Gnostic Christianity with Dick's own strange philosophy, Valis is as funny and surprising as it is eye-opening.
Martian Time-Slip
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Daedalus Books, 2013
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Страниц: 288 страниц
Загрузил: vitalysev, 14 июля 2015
   «Mars is a desolate place, in this 1964 novel. Largely forgotten by Earth, isolated communities eke out a living alongside the great canals, dependent on Arnie Knott, the union boss who controls the meager water supply. No one is beyond his reach—certainly not Jack Bohlen, the repairman whom Knott's mistress comes to love. Neither is Manfred, the autistic child who slips helplessly backwards and forwards in time, or the pitiful natives of Mars, the Bleekmen. Philip K. Dick «creates a world irradiated by schizophrenic perceptions, and moves with frightening intensity — and hilarity — to an elegant transcendent finale» (Encyclopedia of Science Fiction). A visionary, Hugo Award–winning author, Dick was inducted posthumously into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. His stories have been made into such blockbuster films as Blade Runner, Total Recall, and Minority Report, and he was the first science fiction writer to be included in the Library of America series.»
A Maze of Death
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Daedalus Books, 2005
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Страниц: 190 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 28 мая 2009
   When 14 people arrive to colonize the otherwise uninhabited planet of Delmark — O, they quickly discover that their bizarre new world is more dangerous — and much, much stranger — than they ever could have imagined, in this 1970 novel by Philip K. Dick. The colonists have nothing in common, and no idea why they've been sent there. All they know is that there's no way to leave, and one by one they are being killed. A visionary, Hugo Award–winning author, Philip K. Dick was inducted posthumously into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. His stories have been made into such blockbuster films as Blade Runner, Total Recall, and Minority Report, and he was the first science fiction writer to be included in the Library of America series.
Minority Report
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Daedalus Books, 2005
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Страниц: 290 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 15 апреля 2010
   The Department of Precrime has cut major crime by almost 100 percent, in the 1956 short story by Philip K. Dick that inspired the Steven Spielberg film Minority Report. No one doubts the efficiency and fairness of a system that can look into the future, arrest soon-to-be criminals, and punish them before they can commit the crime — until the Precrime Commissioner himself is accused, and must go on the run as a convicted murderer to prove his innocence. Eight other stories are also presented in this collection, including We Can Remember it for You Wholesale, the inspiration for the film Total Recall. A visionary, Hugo Award–winning author, Philip K. Dick was inducted posthumously into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. His stories have also been made into other blockbuster films like Blade Runner, and he was the first science fiction writer to be included in the Library of America series.
The Penultimate Truth
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: Daedalus Books, 2005
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Страниц: 256 страниц
Загрузил: lawyer_78rus, 24 июля 2009
   World War III is raging — or so the millions of people crammed into their underground tanks believe, in this 1964 novel by Philip K. Dick. For 15 years, subterranean humanity has been fed on daily broadcasts of a never-ending nuclear devastation, sustained only by their belief in the all — powerful Protector. But up on the surface, a different kind of reality reigns: East and West are at peace, while across the planet, an elite corps of expert hoaxers preserve the lie for those below. A visionary, Hugo Award–winning author, Philip K. Dick was inducted posthumously into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. His stories have been made into such blockbuster films as Blade Runner, Total Recall, and Minority Report, and he was the first science fiction writer to be included in the Library of America series.
The Divine Invasion
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 1996
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 272 страницы
Загрузил: radius, 26 марта 2009
   The second in the Valis trilogy of books, this story tells of the Second Coming: a story of total confusion.
Game Players of Titan
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2001
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 224 страницы
Загрузил: allkonekt, 07 апреля 2009
   «Roaming the pristine landscape of Earth, cared for by machines and aliens, the few remaining humans alive since the war with Titan play Bluff, allowing them to win or lose property and also form new marriages in order to maximise the remote chance some pairings will produce a child. When Pete Garden, a particularly suicidal member of the Pretty Blue Fox game-playing group, loses his current wife and his deed to Berkeley, he stumbles upon a far bigger, more sinister version of the game. The telepathic, slug-like Vugs of Titan are the players and at stake is the Earth itself. «The Game Players of Titan» is a brilliantly conceived vision of a future dystopia, full of imaginative detail, moments of pure humour and thought-provoking musings on the nature of perception, as the seemingly straightforward narrative soon turns into a tumultuous nightmare of delusion, precognition and conspiracy.»
Counter-Clock World
Автор: Dick Philip K.
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2002
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 236 страниц
Загрузил: goa14, 17 октября 2009
   «Pre-empting novels such as the Booker Prize-winning «Time's Arrow» by as much as twenty years, Counter-Clock world is a story of racial tensions told against the background of the year 1998 in which time flows in reverse as people are born old only to grow younger and younger.»
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