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Книги Dave Musgrove
100 Places That Made Britain
Автор: Dave Musgrove
Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2011
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Страниц: 432 страницы
Загрузил: olen33, 21 июня 2014
   «In 100, carefully selected places, «BBC History Magazine» editor Dave Musgrove takes us on an unforgettable historical tour through British history, from the Roman invasion to 1960s Liverpool. Musgrove has asked foremost British historians such as Dominic Sandbrook, to nominate the sites they believe to be the most important in our history, and has travelled to each place to provide a visitor's point of view alongside the captivating stories that make each one great. Covering the length and breadth of the British mainland and two thousand of years of history, «100 Places that Made Britain» visits renowned sites such as the Tower of London and Runnymede, as well as less well-known places like Rushton Triangular Lodge in Northamptonshire — a three-sided, three-themed house built during the Reformation and designed to represent the Holy Trinity — and Jarrow, home of the first chronicler of Anglo-Saxon Britain, The Venerable Bede. Each essay adds another layer to our understanding of Britain's story, whether it be an advance in politics, religion, law or culture. Bringing the vast history of this small island to life, «100 Places that Made Britain» is a captivating historical compendium that will have every reader criss-crossing the country to explore its myriad treasures.»
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