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Книги Nabokov Vladimir
Автор: Nabokov Vladimir
Издательство: Adelphi Edizioni, 2006
Жанр: Adelphi Edizioni
Страниц: 395 страниц
Загрузил: tester5, 27 апреля 2011
   «Dopo trentasei anni, rileggo Lolita di Vladimir Nabokov... Trentasei anni sono moltissimi per un libro. Ma Lolita ha, come allora, un'abbagliante grandezza. Che respiro. Che forza romanzesca. Che potere verbale. Che scintillante alterigia. Che gioco sovrano. Come accade sempre ai grandi libri, Lolita si е spostato nel mio ricordo. Non mi его accorto che possedesse una cosi straordinaria suggestione mitica».»
Ada O El Ardor
Автор: Nabokov Vladimir
Издательство: Anagrama, 2003
Жанр: Anagrama
Страниц: 480 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 10 сентября 2009
   Erotic, love story. Familiar cronic of one of the most passion stories of the modern literature.
Автор: Nabokov Vladimir
Издательство: Rowohlt, 1999
Жанр: Rowohlt
Страниц: 527 страниц
Загрузил: pulsar, 16 марта 2009
   Der vielumstrittene, längst zu Weltruhm gelangte und zweifach verfilmte Roman einer tragischen Pasion: Ein Vierzigjähriger verfällt dem grazilen Zauber einer kindlichen Nymphe und erfährt die Liebe als absolute Macht über Leben und Tod.
Автор: Nabokov Vladimir
Издательство: Penguin Group, 2010
Жанр: Penguin Group
Страниц: 320 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 19 марта 2014
   Humbert Humbert — scholar, aesthete and romantic — has fallen completely and utterly in love with Lolita Haze, his landlady's gum-snapping, silky skinned twelve-year-old daughter. Reluctantly agreeing to marry Mrs Haze just to be close to Lolita, Humbert suffers greatly in the pursuit of romance; but when Lo herself starts looking for attention elsewhere, he will carry her off on a desperate cross-country misadventure, all in the name of Love. Hilarious, flamboyant, heart-breaking and full of ingenious word play, Lolita is an immaculate, unforgettable masterpiece of obsession, delusion and lust.
Look at the Harlequins!
Автор: Nabokov Vladimir
Издательство: Penguin Group, 2011
Жанр: Penguin Group
Страниц: 224 страницы
Загрузил: allkonekt, 11 октября 2015
   Look at the harlequins... Play! Invent the world! Invent reality. This is the childhood advice given by an aunt to Russian born writer Vadim Vadimovich, who emigrates to England, then Paris, then Germany and then the US, and, now dying, reconstructs his past. He remembers Iris his first wife, Annette his long-necked typist and Bel his daughter, as well as his own bizarre numerical nimbus syndrome.
Ada Or Ardor
Автор: Nabokov Vladimir
Издательство: Penguin Group, 2011
Жанр: Penguin Group
Страниц: 497 страниц
Загрузил: ecstessssy, 7 декабря 2014
   Written in mischievous and magically flowing prose, Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle — Nabokov's other great love story — offers even more sexual and imaginative surprises than Lolita. A romance that follows Ada from her first childhood meeting with Van on his uncle's country estate, in a 'dream-bright' America, through eighty years of rapture, Nabokov's 'longest, richest, most ambitious novel' also becomes, as Brian Boyd says, a great many other things: 'myth, fairy tale, utopian idyll, family chronicle, personal memoir, historical romance, erotic catalogue ... picture gallery and filmic folly'.
The Annotated Lolita
Автор: Nabokov Vladimir
Издательство: Penguin Group, 2008
Жанр: Penguin Group
Страниц: 456 страниц
Загрузил: alexandrus1, 16 февраля 2011
   When Lolita was first published in 1955 it created a sensation and established Nabokov as one of the most original prose writers of the twentieth century. This annotated edition, a revised and considerably expanded version of the 1970 edition, does full justice to the textual riches of Lolita, illuminating the elaborate verbal textures and showing how they contribute to the novel's overall meaning. Alfred Appel, Jr. also provides fresh observations on the novel's artifice, games and verbal patternings and a delightful biographical vignette of Nabokov. The annotations themselves were prepared in consultation with Nabokov while newly identified allusions were confirmed by him during the final years of his life.
Автор: Nabokov Vladimir
Издательство: Penguin Group, 2000
Жанр: Penguin Group
Страниц: 336 страниц
Загрузил: phoenix7, 10 декабря 2009
   'Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.' Poet and pervert, Humbert Humbert becomes obsessed by twelve-year-old Lolita and seeks to possess her, first carnally and then artistically, out of love, 'to fix once for all the perilous magic of nymphets'. This seduction is one of many dimensions in Nabokov's dizzying masterpiece, which is suffused with a savage humour and rich, elaborate verbal textures.
Автор: Набоков Владимир
Издательство: Азбука, 2016
Жанр: Литература русского зарубежья
Страниц: 224 страницы
Загрузил: allkonekt, 13 августа 2019
   «Отчаяние» (1932, опубл. 1934) — шестой русский роман Владимира Набокова, в котором автор вновь — как прежде в «Короле, даме, валете» и «Камере обскуре» — обращается к немецкому материалу и криминальному сюжету. Берлинский коммерсант средней руки задумывает и совершает «идеальное убийство» с целью получить страховку, а затем пишет об этом повесть, перечитывая которую, с ужасом обнаруживает зафиксированный в ней роковой изъян своего хитроумного замысла... В рамках детективной истории о мнимом двойничестве и об «убийстве как разновидности изящных искусств» Набоков оригинально разыгрывает вечные литературные сюжеты о гении и злодействе, истинном и ложном таланте, преступлении и наказании, которые впоследствии будут развернуты в знаменитой «Лолите».»
Автор: Nabokov Vladimir
Издательство: Random House, Inc., 1992
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Страниц: 272 страницы
Загрузил: radius, 25 мая 2009
   Nabokov's third novel, The Defense, is a chilling story of obsession and madness. As a young boy, Luzhin was unattractive, distracted, withdrawn, sullen — an enigma to his parents and an object of ridicule to his classmates. He takes up chess as a refuge from the anxiety of his everyday life. His talent is prodigious and he rises to the rank of grandmaster — but at a cost: in Luzhin' s obsessive mind, the game of chess gradually supplants the world of reality. His own world falls apart during a crucial championship match, when the intricate defense he has devised withers under his opponent's unexpected and unpredictabke lines of assault.
Защита Лужина
Автор: Набоков Владимир
Издательство: Центрполиграф, 2003
Жанр: Литература русского зарубежья
Страниц: 256 страниц
Загрузил: lawyer_78rus, 23 августа 2009
   Гениальный шахматист Лужин живет в чудесном мире древней божественной игры, ее гармония и строгая логика пленили его. Жизнь удивительным образом останавливается на незаконченной партии, и Лужин предпочитает выпасть из игры в вечность...
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