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Книги Pilkington Karl
An Idiot Abroad: The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington
Автор: Pilkington Karl
Издательство: Canongate, 2011
Жанр: Canongate
Страниц: 240 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 23 февраля 2014
   Presenting the Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington: Adventurer. Philosopher. Idiot. Karl Pilkington isn't keen on travelling. Given the choice, he'll go on holiday to Devon or Wales or, at a push, eat English food on a package holiday in Majorca. Which isn't exactly Michael Palin, is it? So what happened when he was convinced by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant to go on an epic adventure to see the Seven Wonders of the World? Travel broadens the mind, right? You'd think so... Find out in Karl Pilkington's hilarious travel diaries. He is a moron. A completely round, empty-headed, part-chimp Manc. He'd have been happier in medieval times in a village where you didn't travel beyond the local community.
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