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Книги Louis Uchitelle
The Disposable American: Layoffs and Their Consequences
Автор: Louis Uchitelle
Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2007
Жанр: Карьера
Страниц: 304 страницы
Загрузил: stalker1965, 16 февраля 2010
   «Layoffs have become a fact of life in today’s economy; initiated in the mid 1970s, they are now widely expected, and even accepted. It doesn’t have to be that way. In «The Disposable American», award-winning reporter Louis Uchitelle offers an eye-opening account of layoffs in America–how they started, their questionable necessity, and their devastating psychological impact on individuals at all income levels. Through portraits of both executives and workers at companies such as Stanley Works, United Airlines, and Citigroup, Uchitelle shows how layoffs are in fact counterproductive, rarely promoting efficiency or profitability in the long term. Recognizing that a global competitive economy makes tightening necessary, Uchitelle offers specific recommendations for government policies that would encourage companies to avoid layoffs and help create jobs, benefiting workers, corporations, and the nation as a whole.»
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